Free Health Insurance Help
There’s a lot of info out there. It can be overwhelming and complex – but it doesn’t have to be!
With our certified health insurance Navigators – all local Promotores de Salud – you’ll have compassionate, expert help the entire way — for FREE! Right now, we’re in the Special Enrollment period, which means you may qualify to apply for health insurance if you meet certain criteria. We can help you determine eligibility and walk you through the application process.
Plus, we’re here anytime you have questions about your health insurance, and we can help you find local health care providers. We can also connect you to local resources for food, housing, employment, utility support and more.
Meet our Certified Health Insurance Navigators
We’re Here for You
Our focus: educating, supporting and helping YOU! Meet some of our certified health insurance navigators.
En tu comunidad
No nos limitamos a sentarnos detrás de un escritorio… estamos en su comunidad, nos reunimos con usted donde se encuentre, para ayudarlo a encontrar el seguro médico adecuado para usted.
Part of our Community
We’re neighbors, friends, peers … and we’re here to serve you. Take a quick peek to meet a few of our Community Health Workers – and let us know how we can serve you
Why Do I Need Health Insurance?
Because it just takes 1 …
1 kitchen accident … 1 fall … 1 jump off the swings … 1 lingering cough … 1 frightening diagnosis … to turn your world upside down … and throw you into debt.
Health insurance gives you coverage and peace of mind – and many people can find coverage for less than $10/month.
Plus – financial help may be available to help pay premiums! We can help find out if you qualify.
Do I Qualify for Health Insurance?
You qualify for coverage through the national health insurance marketplace (an online “store” to shop for insurance!) if you:
- Live in the U.S.
- Are a U.S. citizen, national or otherwise lawfully present
- Are not currently in jail or prison
Applying for health insurance will not affect your legal status.
Unsure if you qualify? We can help! We can also see what else you may qualify for, such as Medicaid, CHIP and/or Medicare.
What if I Don’t Enroll?
Quite honestly, you’re taking a big risk.
Medical debt is the #1 cause of bankruptcy in the U.S. Health insurance can help protect your physical, mental and financial health.
Your health – and your family’s health – can’t wait.
If you don’t have health insurance through another means, then you risk a lot. It’s not a matter of if a health emergency will come … it’s a matter of when. Health insurance helps you get treatment and care without significant debt.
There’s also a period called Special Enrollment, which allows you to enroll in or change insurance if you meet specific criteria through a life change, such as having a baby, losing insurance through an employer, or getting married or divorced.
Why Do I Need Health Insurance?
Because it just takes 1 … 1 kitchen accident … 1 fall … 1 jump off the swings … 1 lingering cough … 1 frightening diagnosis … to turn your world upside down … and throw you into unimaginable debt.
Health insurance gives you coverage and peace of mind. With MHP Salud, many people can find coverage for less than $10/month.
Plus – financial help may be available to help pay your premiums! Our certified health insurance Navigators can help find out if you qualify for financial support.
Do I Qualify for Health Insurance?
You qualify for health insurance through the national health insurance marketplace (which is essentially an online “store” for you to shop for insurance!) if you:
- Live in the U.S.
- Are a U.S. citizen, national or otherwise lawfully present – DACA recipients qualify as of November 1, 2024!
- Are not currently in jail or prison
Applying for health insurance will not affect your immigration status.
Unsure if you qualify? We can help! We can also see what else you may qualify for, such as Medicaid, CHIP and/or Medicare.
What if I Don’t Enroll in Health Insurance?
Quite honestly, you’re taking a big risk.
Medical debt is the #1 cause of bankruptcy in the U.S. Health insurance can help protect your physical health, mental health and financial health.
Plus – your health – and your family’s health – can’t wait. It’s too important.
If you don’t have health insurance through another means, such as a spouse or employer, then you risk a lot. It’s not a matter of if a health emergency will come … it’s often a matter of when. Health insurance helps you get the treatment and care you need without going into significant debt.
There’s also a period called Special Enrollment, which allows you to enroll in insurance outside of open enrollment if you meet specific criteria through a major life change, such as having a baby, losing insurance through an employer, or getting married or divorced.
What are You Waiting For? Call Us Today!
(833) 33-SALUD / (833) 337-2583
(833) 33-SALUD / (833) 337-2583
This Navigator Program is supported by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) as part of a financial assistance award totaling $4,500,000 with 100 percent funded by CMS/HHS. The contents are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily represent the official views of, nor an endorsement, by CMS/HHS, or the U.S. Government.