Mentes Fuertes
Strong Minds, Firm Steps
With the help of the community and our partners, MHP Salud Promotoras (Community Health Workers) help low-income, older adults maintain independence, dignity and remain in their own homes.
“Mentes Fuertes, Pasos Firmes” (Strong Minds, Firm Steps) helps low-income, Hispanic older adults maintain independence and dignity and remain in their homes with appropriate support. Promotoras (Community Health Workers) work with each new program participant individually for a period of six months via home visits.
Participants complete an initial assessment to identify factors that support or inhibit their ability to remain in his or her own home with appropriate support. Consequently, an action plan is drafted which outlines steps that the participant, with the help of the Promotora, family members, and others, could take to address barriers and reinforce strength identified in the assessment. Participants receive weekly home-visits and education in Quality of Life/Aging Process, Falls Prevention, Cognition and Mental Agility, Physical Activity, Finances, and Mental Health.
In addition, MHP Salud conducts an environmental scan at the homes of the participants to identify if they need home modifications. The purpose of these modifications is to increase accessibility and safety and reduce functional limitations which improves their health and quality of life. We refer eligible participants to our partner, Habitat for Humanity of the Rio Grande Valley for these modifications.
While the primary work of the program occurs on an individual basis between Promotoras and participants, our Promotoras also offer group health education sessions and physical activity classes to participants.

Participants receive weekly home-visits and education from our Promotoras in Quality of Life/Aging Process, Falls Prevention, Cognition and Mental Agility, Physical Activity, Finances, and Mental Health.
Mentes Fuertes works with individuals in Hidalgo, Cameron and Starr counties in Texas.
Mentes Fuertes began November 2018 and will run until October 2020.
This project is funded by Valley Baptist Legacy Foundation. For more information on this program, please contact us.