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An Interview With Our Training Director, Patria Alguila

By |April 25, 2018|Categories: Interviews, Training|Tags: |

Patria Alguila started working as a Community Health Worker in 2011. In 2014, she joined MHP Salud as a Program Coordinator. Now, as MHP Salud's training director, she helps other organizations start or strengthen their own Community Health Worker Programs.

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Our Program, Salud y Vida, Concludes After Four Years

By |April 23, 2018|Categories: Announcements, Chronic Illness|Tags: |

Thank you to all of our program participants, community health workers, and our funder. Through you, Salud y Vida managed to impact thousands of people with Type 2 Diabetes.

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Introducing Our New CHW Training Curriculum: L.E.A.D.

By |April 3, 2018|Categories: Resources, Training|Tags: |

MHP Salud is excited to announce our Community Health Worker training curriculum, L.E.A.D. (Listen, Empower, Advance, Deliver).  As our CHWs faced a gap in their own career development opportunities, we brought our 35 years of firsthand experience to the design of a curriculum to address this need.

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What is a Food Desert?

By |March 20, 2018|Categories: Chronic Illness, Community Health, Nutrition|Tags: |

This lack of access could be a result of many factors. For some communities, healthy food isn’t available. There may not be a grocery store within 10 or 20 miles and food is often purchased from fast food restaurants or convenience stores where many items are highly processed and have lower nutritional value than fresh produce. In some cases, healthy food may be technically available but not accessible.

Inside Texas’ Border Communities: What are Colonias?

By |March 15, 2018|Categories: Chronic Illness, Community Health, Health Insurance, Nutrition|Tags: |

Many of MHP Salud’s direct service programs operate inside the Rio Grande Valley’s colonias, which are defined by The Texas Office of the Secretary of State as residential areas along the Texas-Mexico border that may lack basic living necessities like potable water, septic or sewer systems, electricity, paved roads, or safe and sanitary housing.

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New Hypertension and Diabetes Resources for CHW Programs

By |February 22, 2018|Categories: Chronic Illness, Resources|

Several new resources for Community Health Workers are now available on MHP Salud’s Resource Portfolio. These tools highlight and promote the CHW model’s role in addressing and preventing some of the most prevalent health conditions in our communities.

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