You began your career as a community health worker.
Well, I started as a CHW at the age of 16 but was in an out of that position after college. Jumped back in 2011.
What inspired you to become one?
Growing up I had always been involved in the community and it was something I loved. I was a Peer Educator as a teen. I went to college and worked as an Account Receivables representative for AT&T. During sophomore year, I heard about a Peer Education class and they were hiring Peer Educators. I immediately said goodbye to AT&T and started working with this college program. Til this day I laugh because I was making very good money for a freshman to then just make half of that. But I LOVED that job and all it taught me. I just knew that I had to continue down this path. I love to serve those around me, from family to strangers.
How long have you been a training director?
1 year in May.

As Director of Training Services, Patria
helps other organizations start or strengthen their
own Community Health Worker Programs.
What do you think of the experience thus far?
It has been a challenging one because I want the Community Health Workers to receive a solid, applicable training where they learn and are inspired to continue in this profession. Thankfully, this was a team effort!
In your experience, when organizations are trying to implement a CHW program, what challenge seems to be the most difficult to overcome?
This is a good question and unfortunately, there are two challenges that I see constantly. One is recruiting CHWs that are trusted members of the community being served and that have the desire to serve. And the other challenge is appropriate wages.
How does the MHP Salud LEAD curriculum help facilitate overcoming these challenges?
Well, through this curriculum you are given a solid foundation of what it means to be a CHW. Since there are 3 audiences we look to reach (Supervisors/Program Managers and other professions working with CHWs such as medical providers, social workers and more), we want everyone to be on the same page as far who Community Health Workers are and the value this profession brings.

Patria participates in a Dinâmica with MHP Salud training participants. These activities, meant to stimulate and engage training participants, are common in MHP Salud’s L.E.A.D. training curriculum.
What are some common misconceptions that organizations have about Community Health Worker programs?
I think something we often see when we talk with organizations interested in implementing a CHW program is that there are varying levels of understanding of what a CHW does throughout the organization. Some departments may be really interested in working with the CHWs, but others might not even know what they do or how they can help the organization. This is something we have addressed through L.E.A.D.’s offerings for supervisors and other professions. When everyone in the organization truly understands the CHW role, the CHWs are better set up to be successful and effective in positively impacting their communities.
Is there anything else you’d like to share with our website readers?
Yes, please make sure to take a look at the training services and see how we can help you advance in your profession. Then sign up for our resource portfolio to download free resources – we are here to help!
About MHP Salud
MHP Salud has over thirty-five years of experience implementing CHW programs and training organizations looking to start and/or strengthen their own CHW programs. For more information about MHP Salud, our services, and how we can help you, please email us at