Hypertension and Diabetes Resources for CHW Programs

Several new resources for Community Health Workers are now available on MHP Salud’s Resource Portfolio. These tools highlight and promote the CHW model’s role in addressing and preventing some of the most prevalent health conditions in our communities.
Hypertension Resources
About 1 in 3 adults in the United States have hypertension, and only about half have the condition under control. Understanding and Addressing Hypertension and Heart Health in Your Community: A Quick Guide for Community Health Workers, is a reference guide with information about hypertension and heart health. This guide contains sections that define hypertension, its symptoms, provide recommendations for prevention, and information on tracking and measuring blood pressure.
Our second hypertension resource is Community Health Workers & Hypertension and Heart Health Interventions: A Resource for Program Managers and Administrators. This resource explains how Community Health Worker programs have been successful historically, a list of external resources, and additional information that will be useful to program managers and administrators.
Diabetes Resources
Another health condition which affects over 30 million people in the United States is diabetes. Understanding and Addressing Diabetes in your Community: A Quick Guide for CHWs, aims to help CHW understand and address this disease. This brief reference guide describes the distinct types of diabetes, signs and symptoms of the disease, diagnosis, and management information. Included in the guide is an A1C tracker that allows users to track their HbA1C percentage, blood pressure, weight, and BMI over time to track changes and establish goals.
Our final resource is Community Health Workers and Diabetes Interventions: A Resource for Program Managers and Administrators. This seven-page resource packet provides evidence of success in CHW-led diabetes intervention programs. This resource details the ways CHW-led diabetes interventions positively impact organizations and communities, available curricula for the implementation of CHW programs.
This resource highlights MHP Salud’s own CHW-led diabetes intervention program, Salud y Vida. This holistic program takes a combined approach to successful diabetes management through a collaborative partnership with clinics, social services, and Community Health Worker organizations. The 24-month case management program works with patients with uncontrolled type 2 diabetes and includes a six session Diabetes Self-Management Education (DSME) curriculum led by MHP Salud’s CHWs. The six education sessions cover topics related to diabetes management, nutrition, physical activity, mental health, complications, and medication management. Program data has shown a statistically significant decrease in Hemoglobin A1C between baseline (10.01%) and month 3 (9.20)%.
About MHP Salud
MHP Salud has over thirty years of experience implementing CHW programs and training organizations looking to start and/or strengthen their own CHW programs. For more information about MHP Salud, our services, and how we can help you, please email us at info@mhpsalud.org