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CHWs are a Critical Lifeline in the Era of Expensive Prescriptions

By |March 7, 2019|Categories: Chronic Illness, Community Health|Tags: |

Community Health Workers, trust-worthy liaisons between medical professionals and their community, are a great resource for patients combating the negative consequences associated with skipping prescription drugs. CHWs can educate those who can’t afford their prescription drugs on how to lead healthier lifestyles and help stress the importance of managing chronic diseases.

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Elder Health in the United States

By |February 15, 2019|Categories: Chronic Illness, Mental Health, Older Adults|Tags: |

The average lifespan of Americans has been steadily increasing over the years, resulting in a growing number of adults that live to be over 65 years old. Older adults are also becoming increasingly diverse: this population is expected to transform from 7.9% to 22% Hispanic/Latino by the year 2060. As this population grows and changes, it’s important to identify and address their unique health challenges, to support safely and happily growing old at home.

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Mental Health CHW-led Programs Show Promise in Latino Communities

By |February 7, 2019|Categories: Community Health, Mental Health|Tags: |

The lack of access to information and services in Spanish can prevent many Latinos from seeking care. Many CHW-led interventions recruit bi-lingual members of the community, allowing for correct interpretation of information, effective education and a way to address stigma. More importantly, it allows individuals who face language barriers the path to express their mental health concerns without fear of misinterpretation.

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Community Health Workers Improve Mental Health Outcomes

By |January 8, 2019|Categories: Mental Health|Tags: |

Community Health Workers/Promotores(as) de Salud are well-situated to address mental health concerns in underserved communities. They act as a bridge between affected individuals and available resources. Community Health Workers combat stigma by educating and conducting outreach on mental health within the community.

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CHWs Can Meet the Health Needs of Island Residents

By |December 10, 2018|Categories: Community Health|Tags: |

In 2015, chronic diseases (those that are not infectious but rather have slow progression and long duration) accounted for over two-thirds of all deaths in the Pacific Islands. Tragically, 70-75% of deaths in the Pacific Islands are considered premature, occurring before age 60. There is clearly a demonstrated need for high quality, cost-effective healthcare services.

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Announcing Our NEW CHW Training Workshops!

By |October 23, 2018|Categories: Chronic Illness, Nutrition, Training|

We are excited to announce the launch of our new training workshops. These 4-hour training sessions function similar to electives within our L.E.A.D. curriculum, which provides comprehensive training for Community Health Workers and individuals across the organizations they serve. Unlike the central curriculum, which seeks to educate and empower participants according to their role, workshops instead aim to enable an entire team within an organization to design and implement their own Community Health Worker program that addresses a specific issue within their community.

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