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What is a Food Desert?
This lack of access could be a result of many factors. For some communities, healthy food isn’t available. There may not be a grocery store within 10 or 20 miles and food is often purchased from fast food restaurants or convenience stores where many items are highly processed and have lower nutritional value than fresh produce. In some cases, healthy food may be technically available but not accessible.
Inside Texas’ Border Communities: What are Colonias?
Many of MHP Salud’s direct service programs operate inside the Rio Grande Valley’s colonias, which are defined by The Texas Office of the Secretary of State as residential areas along the Texas-Mexico border that may lack basic living necessities like potable water, septic or sewer systems, electricity, paved roads, or safe and sanitary housing.
New Hypertension and Diabetes Resources for CHW Programs
Several new resources for Community Health Workers are now available on MHP Salud’s Resource Portfolio. These tools highlight and promote the CHW model’s role in addressing and preventing some of the most prevalent health conditions in our communities.
This Infographic Proves the Effectiveness of Community Health Worker-led Programs!
You may have seen our blog in August about the fantastic outcomes we found in our Amor Maternal program. It turns out, Community Health Worker led breastfeeding programs are fantastic at increasing exclusive breastfeeding rates up to and beyond six months out.
The Results are in, and They Prove the Effectiveness of CHW-led Maternal-Child Health Programs
It’s no secret that we are huge advocates of using the Community Health Worker model to increase breastfeeding rates among underserved populations. It’s an effective strategy that addresses the cultural barriers that many Hispanic women face when trying to access healthcare resources for maternal-infant health. The health and economic benefits of breastfeeding are well documented. However, despite breastfeeding’s distinction as an important public health issue, breastfeeding rates among the U.S. Hispanic population fall below Healthy People 2020 targets.
These Community Health Worker Program Models Lower Patient Medical Costs
An analysis by the Connecticut Health Foundation has found that Connecticut healthcare organizations can improve patient health and save money by implementing community health worker programs.