New Cada Paso del Camino Program Teams Up with Clinic to Provide Cancer Services

According to the American Cancer Society, Hispanics are more likely to die from cancer than non-Hispanic whites. These disparities begin in communities with existing social determinants of health long before a diagnosis is ever reached.

To combat this trend, MHP Salud has teamed up with Nuestra Clinica del Valle to provide low-income Latino communities with holistic cancer prevention, screening and treatment services in Hidalgo and Starr Counties in Texas.

Promotore(as) will provide door-to-door services to colonia residents located around Nuestra Clinica del Valle 11 health clinics. Colonias are unincorporated neighborhoods developed outside of city limits that lack city services such as transportation, utilities and road signs.


MHP Salud Promotores(as) will provide basic information and education regarding breast, cervical and colorectal cancer prevention and screening. If eligible, Promotores(as) will refer individuals to Nuestra Clinical del Valle for screening.

Over the three year project period, the partnership program aims to:

  • Increase cancer screening at Nuestra Clinica Del Valle;
  • Offer individuals in colonias in Hidalgo and Starr Counties one-on-one, Promotor(a)-facilitated outreach and education related to cancer screening;
  • Refer those reached who are eligible will be referred for screening services;
  • Offer those with abnormal screenings affordable diagnostic services, and – if needed – treatment; and
  • Educate patients with culturally- and linguistically-appropriate information about health insurance options, including the Health Insurance Marketplace, and offer enrollment assistance through MHP Salud’s Navigator program, if requested.

More information can be found on the Cada Paso del Camino program page.

About MHP Salud 

MHP Salud has over thirty years of experience implementing CHW programs and training organizations looking to start and/or strengthen their own CHW programs. For more information about MHP Salud, our services, and how we can help you, please email us at
