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Edadismo 104: Envejecimiento, diversidad e inclusión

By |July 20, 2023|Categories: Uncategorized|

Los trabajadores de salud comunitarios que son culturalmente sensibles y practican la inclusión pueden ayudar a los adultos mayores a envejecer con dignidad.

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Empowering MSAWs through CHW Interventions and SMART Goal Setting

By |June 14, 2023|Categories: Chronic Illness|Tags: |

CHWs provide culturally and linguistically appropriate health education to Migrant and Seasonal Agricultural Workers (MSAWs) on topics such as diabetes self-management and work with MSAWs to define and set SMART goals.

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Community Health Workers Encourage Migrant Seasonal Agricultural Worker Families to Make Healthier Decisions

By |March 15, 2023|Categories: Chronic Illness|Tags: |

Migrant and Seasonal Agricultural Workers (MSAW) are predominantly Hispanic. Family plays a significant role in this community's lives; they provide support, guidance, and encouragement. The family makeup of the Hispanic community goes beyond the traditional nuclear family. Households include cousins, aunts/uncles, grandparents, and sometimes family friends.

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Healthcare Biases and How they Affect Older Adults

By |March 14, 2023|Categories: Older Adults|Tags: |

Ageism is the act of discriminating and stereotyping against older adults. Many people don’t know that ageism in healthcare can lead to both undertreating conditions and overtreating health conditions.

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