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Diabetes Control and Management: Eye Health
Diabetes can lead to complications including Diabetic retinopathy, an illness that affects the health of the eyes due retina damage.
A Journey from CHW to Dietitian/Nutritionist
Each month, we will highlight the journey of individuals' professional development into roles within and outside of the CHW profession. The first story is about Maria's journey from CHW to dietitian/nutritionist. The second features Carlos, who also became a dietitian/nutritionist, but unlike Maria, he did not start out as a CHW. This story is included to illustrate how the CHW profession builds skillsets that are desirable across industries. It is also included to illustrate the key differences between the CHW profession and other careers in related fields.
Una entrevista con cuidadoras Latinas de adultos mayores
Encargarse del cuidado de un ser querido adulto mayor es posiblemente una de las tareas más desafiantes que alguien podrá enfrentar en su vida. En MHP Salud, nuestro personal por experiencia propia lo difícil que puede ser, especialmente mientras trabajan tiempo completo en durante una pandemia. Nos sentamos para platicar con dos empleadas de MHP Salud, las cuales están cuidando de sus padres mayores, Mónica Calderón, una Especialista de Recursos para Promotores de Salud, y Mónica García, una Directora de Programas. Por medio de nuestra conversación, echamos un vistazo a lo que ha sido para ellas como cuidadoras Latinas y que han aprendido de sus experiencias.
An Interview with Latina Caregivers of Older Adults
An Interview with Latina Caregivers of Older Adults [...]
MSAW and Latino Communities Managing Diabetes
Diabetes affects Americans of all socioeconomic statuses, races, cultures, and ethnicities. However, Hispanic/Latinos are at higher risk of having type 2 diabetes as compared to other ethnic groups. Migrant Seasonal Agricultural Workers (MSAWs) are predominate of Hispanic/Latino descent placing them at higher risk for type 2 diabetes.
Diabetes Prevention Strategies for the Whole Family
Hispanic/Latino Americans are a diverse group that includes people of various cultures and races. Hispanics are the largest minority in the United States and have higher rates of diabetes in both adults and children as compared to other racial/ethnic groups. 1 Latinos are among the fastest-growing groups in the United States and, yet, as a whole have low access to medical care and poor general health partly due to sociocultural factors related to economic status.