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What I’ve Learned Grant Writing for Community Health Worker-led Programs
Whenever I talk about grant writing, someone always wants to know what the “magic bullet” is to secure sustainable funding. I wish it were that simple - in general, grant writing requires a special slurry of project management, relationship building, digging into the data, and storytelling. And grant writing for Community Health Worker (CHW)-led programs? That presents its own set of unique questions.
How to Raise Awareness About Dementia in Hispanic/Latino Older Adults
Imagine the following scenario: Your parent’s memory slips, and they briefly forget your name. You don’t think anything of it. A month later, they forget the birthday of their spouse of 50 years. Over time, these lapses in memory become more frequent. At 85 years old, your parent is diagnosed with dementia. This is an all-too-common experience for people around the country, especially for Hispanic/Latino families.
Envejecer con estilo: Temas de salud entre hispanos/latinos
Nuevos estudios sugieren que la demencia es más común entre los adultos mayores hispanos/latinos. César J. Alvarado, especialista en programas de la sección de San Antonio y el sur de Texas de la Asociación de Alzheimer, comparte que "algunos estudios indican que los hispanos/latinos mayores tienen aproximadamente una vez y media más probabilidades de tener Alzheimer u otras demencias que los blancos mayores." Además de la vejez, los factores que ponen a muchos hispanos/latinos en mayor riesgo son la pobreza, las enfermedades cardíacas y otras enfermedades crónicas como la presión arterial alta y la obesidad.
CHW Professional Development: A Journey from CHW to a Career as a Teacher
Oliver worked as a CHW for many years at an organization that specializes in providing financial assistance. His role as a CHW involved providing financial education for individuals in the community. He enjoyed many aspects of his position, especially holding education sessions. However, he disliked the long drives to various locations to conduct each session and the lack of autonomy over the material covered. One day, during a conversation about considering a possible career change, Oliver's friend recommended he look into becoming a teacher.
Managing Diabetes During the Pandemic: CHWs Adapt to Better Support Migrant Farmworkers
Migrant farmworkers are essential workers who disproportionately come from Central America and Mexico. This community experiences unique challenges that limit their access to healthcare, such as isolated agricultural work environments, poor living conditions, language and cultural barriers, or immigration status. These barriers place migrant farmworker communities at higher risk for health complications and/or poor health outcomes, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic.
From CHW to a Career in Social Work
Each month, we will highlight the journey of individuals' professional development into roles within and outside of the CHW profession. The first story is about Jennifer's journey from CHW to Licensed Social Worker. The second features Jose, who became a case manager after working as a CHW in a children's hospital. These stories illustrate how the CHW profession builds skillsets that are desirable across industries and the key differences between the CHW profession and other careers in related fields.