News and Updates2023-06-15T20:34:33-04:00

News & Updates

Three Ways COVID-19 has Affected Hispanic and Latino Caregivers of Older Adults

We have learned a lot about how the effects of the virus have disproportionately affected some groups. We know that Hispanic/Latinos were hit particularly hard because of an increase in exposure, vulnerability to severe complications of the virus, and an initial hesitancy in getting the vaccine. We also know that restrictions on daily life have also put a strain on caregivers within the Hispanic/Latino community.

January 26, 2022|

News & Updates

Three Ways COVID-19 has Affected Hispanic and Latino Caregivers of Older Adults

We have learned a lot about how the effects of the virus have disproportionately affected some groups. We know that Hispanic/Latinos were hit particularly hard because of an increase in exposure, vulnerability to severe complications of the virus, and an initial hesitancy in getting the vaccine. We also know that restrictions on daily life have also put a strain on caregivers within the Hispanic/Latino community.

January 26, 2022|
304, 2018

Introducing Our New CHW Training Curriculum: L.E.A.D.

April 3, 2018|

MHP Salud is excited to announce our Community Health Worker training curriculum, L.E.A.D. (Listen, Empower, Advance, Deliver).  As our CHWs faced a gap in their own career development opportunities, we brought our 35 years of firsthand experience to the design of a curriculum to address this need.

2003, 2018

What is a Food Desert?

March 20, 2018|

This lack of access could be a result of many factors. For some communities, healthy food isn’t available. There may not be a grocery store within 10 or 20 miles and food is often purchased from fast food restaurants or convenience stores where many items are highly processed and have lower nutritional value than fresh produce. In some cases, healthy food may be technically available but not accessible.

304, 2018

Introducing Our New CHW Training Curriculum: L.E.A.D.

April 3, 2018|

MHP Salud is excited to announce our Community Health Worker training curriculum, L.E.A.D. (Listen, Empower, Advance, Deliver).  As our CHWs faced a gap in their own career development opportunities, we brought our 35 years of firsthand experience to the design of a curriculum to address this need.

2003, 2018

What is a Food Desert?

March 20, 2018|

This lack of access could be a result of many factors. For some communities, healthy food isn’t available. There may not be a grocery store within 10 or 20 miles and food is often purchased from fast food restaurants or convenience stores where many items are highly processed and have lower nutritional value than fresh produce. In some cases, healthy food may be technically available but not accessible.

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