Older Adult Health News and Updates
Healthcare Biases and How they Affect Older Adults
Ageism is the act of discriminating and stereotyping against older adults. Many people don’t know that ageism in healthcare can lead to both undertreating conditions and overtreating health conditions.
Blog Topics
An Interview with Latina Caregivers of Older Adults
An Interview with Latina Caregivers of Older Adults [...]
5 Modos en que Promotores de Salud Involucran a los Adultos Mayores Hispanos/Latinos.
La población de adultos mayores esta creciendo en los Estados Unidos y los adultos mayores hispanos/latinos es el grupo que está creciendo más rápido que todos. Se espera que hispanos mayores de 65 años aumente desde 4.6 millones en 2017 a 19.9 millones en el año 2060.1 Es importante involucrar hispanos en los servicios de salud mientras envejecen para promover buena salud y bienestar; reducir disparidades de salud; y prevenir la aislación social, heridas por caídas; y el desarrollo de enfermedades crónicas.
5 Ways Community Health Workers Engage with Hispanic/Latino Older Adults
The older adult population is growing in the United States and older Hispanic/Latino adults are the fastest growing group. Hispanics over 65 years old are expected to grow from 4.6 million in 2017 to 19.9 million in 2060 . It is important to engage Hispanics in health services as they age to promote health and wellbeing; reduce health disparities; and prevent social isolation, injury due to falls, and the development of chronic conditions.