Technology News and Updates
How Increased Use of Technology During COVID-19 has Influenced Diabetes Outcomes in Children
How Increased Use of Technology During COVID-19 has Influenced [...]
Blog Topics
How Increased Use of Technology During COVID-19 has Influenced Diabetes Outcomes in Children
How Increased Use of Technology During COVID-19 has Influenced [...]
How Technology is Changing the Way We Serve
A new case study, developed alongside Dimagi, highlights how technology and the mobile application Commcare has entirely revolutionized the way our Community Health Workers operate inside their communities.
A Year in Tech at MHP Salud
Over the decades that MHP Salud has championed the Community Health Worker (CHW) model, the model has retained its core elements of community-centered care and empowerment, but recent years’ rapid technological change has given CHWs new tools they can use to broaden and deepen their impact on their community.