News & Updates
Edadismo 104: Envejecimiento, diversidad e inclusión
Los trabajadores de salud comunitarios que son culturalmente sensibles y practican la inclusión pueden ayudar a los adultos mayores a envejecer con dignidad.
News & Updates
Edadismo 104: Envejecimiento, diversidad e inclusión
Los trabajadores de salud comunitarios que son culturalmente sensibles y practican la inclusión pueden ayudar a los adultos mayores a envejecer con dignidad.
Blog Topics
Familismo & Fatalismo: How Cultural Beliefs Affect Health Care
Diabetes is a chronic disease that affects millions of Americans. In addition to everyday tasks, people with diabetes require self-management of daily glucose levels, meals, physical activity, and medication to keep healthy. Hispanic/Latinos are the largest non-white group in the United States and have the highest rates of Diabetes as compared to other ethnic groups; this can be related to the lack of healthcare, genetics, obesity rates, insulin resistance, lower economic status, and sociocultural factors.
How Community Health Workers can be a Cost-Effective Strategy to Reducing Emergency Department Use
Frequent use of Emergency Departments (ED) by super-utilizers - account for between 21% to 28% of all ED visits.1 Super-Utilizers, may lean on emergency departments due to lack of health insurance, financial limitations, or lack of knowledge of available healthcare options. As health care systems work to reduce the use of emergency departments for non-emergencies, one strategy that has proven to be effective is the integration of Community Health Worker (CHW)s.
Three Ways COVID-19 has Affected Hispanic and Latino Caregivers of Older Adults
We have learned a lot about how the effects of the virus have disproportionately affected some groups. We know that Hispanic/Latinos were hit particularly hard because of an increase in exposure, vulnerability to severe complications of the virus, and an initial hesitancy in getting the vaccine. We also know that restrictions on daily life have also put a strain on caregivers within the Hispanic/Latino community.
Familismo & Fatalismo: How Cultural Beliefs Affect Health Care
Diabetes is a chronic disease that affects millions of Americans. In addition to everyday tasks, people with diabetes require self-management of daily glucose levels, meals, physical activity, and medication to keep healthy. Hispanic/Latinos are the largest non-white group in the United States and have the highest rates of Diabetes as compared to other ethnic groups; this can be related to the lack of healthcare, genetics, obesity rates, insulin resistance, lower economic status, and sociocultural factors.
How Community Health Workers can be a Cost-Effective Strategy to Reducing Emergency Department Use
Frequent use of Emergency Departments (ED) by super-utilizers - account for between 21% to 28% of all ED visits.1 Super-Utilizers, may lean on emergency departments due to lack of health insurance, financial limitations, or lack of knowledge of available healthcare options. As health care systems work to reduce the use of emergency departments for non-emergencies, one strategy that has proven to be effective is the integration of Community Health Worker (CHW)s.
Three Ways COVID-19 has Affected Hispanic and Latino Caregivers of Older Adults
We have learned a lot about how the effects of the virus have disproportionately affected some groups. We know that Hispanic/Latinos were hit particularly hard because of an increase in exposure, vulnerability to severe complications of the virus, and an initial hesitancy in getting the vaccine. We also know that restrictions on daily life have also put a strain on caregivers within the Hispanic/Latino community.