
Resource News and Updates

The Results are in, and They Prove the Effectiveness of CHW-led Maternal-Child Health Programs

It’s no secret that we are huge advocates of using the Community Health Worker model to increase breastfeeding rates among underserved populations. It’s an effective strategy that addresses the cultural barriers that many Hispanic women face when trying to access healthcare resources for maternal-infant health. The health and economic benefits of breastfeeding are well documented. However, despite breastfeeding’s distinction as an important public health issue, breastfeeding rates among the U.S. Hispanic population fall below Healthy People 2020 targets.

August 28, 2017|
205, 2015

Promote Healing Among Survivors of Domestic Violence with Our Free, Bilingual Support Group Facilitator’s Guide

May 2, 2015|

The Arte de Sobrevivir support group aims to promote healing among women who are primary or secondary survivors of sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence and/or stalking. This guide builds on the existing strengths of Latina women and utilizes culturally informed tools and approaches. Participants are not only provided with information and form supportive networks with other women in their community, but they also engage in arts and craft projects, which can open space for discussion and healing.

3103, 2015

Collect meaningful information about your Health Center’s Community Health Worker Program with our new Feedback Form

March 31, 2015|

Program evaluation is an essential component of any successful Community Health Worker program. Obtaining regular feedback from community members of the target population adds an important dimension to this evaluation. Determining whether the program meets the needs of the people it aims to serve can assist Health Centers in modifying or reinforcing its program activities to best address the needs and interests of the community. Ideally, this feedback is collected at least once a year, usually at the middle or end of a program year.

1211, 2014

MHP Salud Releases Seven Steps to Increase Effective Outreach and Enrollment in Immigrant Populations

November 12, 2014|

With the help of The Strengthening Outreach and Enrollment of Immigrant Populations Special Opportunity Grant, sponsored by Community Catalyst, MHP Salud spearheaded an initiative between July and October 2014 to conduct a community assessment and develop a plan to enhance outreach and enrollment in immigrant communities during the Second Open Enrollment Period in Texas' Rio Grande Valley (RGV).

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