Resource News and Updates
What I’ve Learned Grant Writing for Community Health Worker-led Programs
Whenever I talk about grant writing, someone always wants to know what the “magic bullet” is to secure sustainable funding. I wish it were that simple - in general, grant writing requires a special slurry of project management, relationship building, digging into the data, and storytelling. And grant writing for Community Health Worker (CHW)-led programs? That presents its own set of unique questions.
Blog Topics
This Infographic Proves the Effectiveness of Community Health Worker-led Programs!
You may have seen our blog in August about the fantastic outcomes we found in our Amor Maternal program. It turns out, Community Health Worker led breastfeeding programs are fantastic at increasing exclusive breastfeeding rates up to and beyond six months out.
The Results are in, and They Prove the Effectiveness of CHW-led Maternal-Child Health Programs
It’s no secret that we are huge advocates of using the Community Health Worker model to increase breastfeeding rates among underserved populations. It’s an effective strategy that addresses the cultural barriers that many Hispanic women face when trying to access healthcare resources for maternal-infant health. The health and economic benefits of breastfeeding are well documented. However, despite breastfeeding’s distinction as an important public health issue, breastfeeding rates among the U.S. Hispanic population fall below Healthy People 2020 targets.
5 Ways to Make the Most of Your Health Coverage
In the United States, an estimated 12.7 million people signed up for coverage in the 2016 Open Enrollment, allowing them to gain or renew access to the health coverage they need. Enrolling in a health plan, however, is only the initial step. To help you go from coverage to care, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services has created resources in multiple languages, available at no cost, to help you understand your benefits and connect to a primary care provider and preventive services. Here are five ways to make the most of your health coverage.