
Resource News and Updates

1504, 2016

Evaluate your Community Health Worker Program with our free Evaluation Toolkit

April 15, 2016|

Taking into account the limited resources typically available to Promotor(a) de Salud programs (also known as Community Health Worker programs), this Evaluation Toolkit was developed to help you determine what evaluation strategies will work for your organization. This is not a long, detailed description of all the evaluation options and strategies available. Rather, this is a quick reference guide with tips and tools that have been designed especially for use with Promotor(a), or other Community Health Worker (CHW), programs. This Toolkit is recommended for Health Centers, health departments, migrant health programs, Primary Care Associations, and other organizations that implement Promotor(a) or CHW programs. It is designed for those with little or no evaluation experience or limited evaluation resources. The information in this Toolkit will help you design an evaluation system from the very beginning of the process, however it also includes tips for improving existing evaluation efforts. It is intended for use by anyone that is in charge of a Promotor(a) program, including Program Coordinators, Directors, Supervisors, or Managers.

103, 2016

Comfort and educate expectant mothers with Community Health Workers and the Maternal and Infant Health Resource

March 1, 2016|

Guiding expectant mothers, especially those that are first-time mothers, can help to reduce medical and emotional complications and increase healthy outcomes for mother and child.  As Promotores(as), we are aware that there are challenges experienced by some of our community members. These challenges can be due to issues of employment, living conditions, legal status, and environment.

2101, 2016

Six Tips for CHW Supervision Success

January 21, 2016|

With more than 30 years’ experience designing, running, evaluating and improving CHW programs, as well as more than 20 years’ experience spreading that knowledge via technical assistance to other organizations around the country, MHP Salud has gained insight, experience and a deep understanding of CHW supervision.

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