Workforce Development Blogs2024-04-01T14:25:49-04:00

Workforce Development News and Updates

CHW Professional Development: A Journey from CHW to Eligibility Specialist

Each month, we will highlight the journey of individuals' professional development into roles within and outside of the CHW profession. The first story is about Marco's journey from CHW to Eligibility Specialist. The second features Ricardo, who also became an Eligibility Specialist, but unlike Marco, he did not start out as a CHW. This story is included to illustrate how the CHW profession builds skillsets that are desirable across industries. It is also included to illustrate the key differences between the CHW profession and other careers in related fields.

June 30, 2021|
2101, 2016

Six Tips for CHW Supervision Success

January 21, 2016|

With more than 30 years’ experience designing, running, evaluating and improving CHW programs, as well as more than 20 years’ experience spreading that knowledge via technical assistance to other organizations around the country, MHP Salud has gained insight, experience and a deep understanding of CHW supervision.

1901, 2016

Learn from Three Decades’ Experience with our Free Sample Budget for Community Health Worker Programs Template

January 19, 2016|

This free budget template is presented as a sample, based on a year-round program with four full-time Community Health Workers. It is provided as a starting point to give you an idea of the line items and categories of expenses that you will want to consider in planning your budget. Many, if not all, of the amounts, will vary based on your location, organization, staffing required to implement the program, etc.

501, 2016

Run Your Community Health Worker Program Effectively with Our Free Supervision Manual for Promotor(a) de Salud Programs

January 5, 2016|

This Supervisor’s Manual was developed to provide basic guidelines to supervisors of Promotor y Promotora de Salud programs. A variety of people, with different supervisory experience, might supervise a Promotor(a)program. They could range from newly-hired Program Coordinators to Program Directors and Outreach Coordinators. Regardless of the position and the person’s experience, we hope the information in this Manual proves helpful in learning about and managing the successes and challenges of working with Promotores(as).

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