3 MHP Salud Promotoras

Community Health Workers Improving Social Determinants of Health: A Model for Use by Community-Based Organizations

This report aims to fill a gap in clarifying how Community Health Workers address Social Determinants of Health as part of their core, “day to day” role using a stepwise, iterative model. This model can be used and replicated by other community-based organizations that employ Community Health Workers.

Excerpt: “During this selection process, it is important for organizations to remember that it is neither feasible nor desired to measure every single SDOH domain. Thus, the organization will need to choose which are the most important to their community and be mindful about selection. For instance, imagine an organization works in an area of a city that experiences food insecurity. Knowing that, CHWs will be more apt to focus on assessing food or nutritional needs before neighborhood playgrounds. This idea falls in line with Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, which dictates that physical and safety needs take precedence over psychological and self-fulfillment needs.” (pg. 4)

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MHP Salud has over 35 years of experience implementing CHW programs and training organizations looking to start and/or strengthen their own CHW programs. Visit our CHW Training & Consulting Services page to learn more about how we can help.

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