Mental Health Resources for Community Health Workers

Resources and Reference Materials on Mental Health
Community Health Workers are well-situated to address mental health concerns in undeserved communities. They act as a bridge between affected individuals and available resources. Community Health Workers combat stigma by educating and conducting outreach on mental health within the community. They are an excellent addition to healthcare teams that want to improve the mental health outcomes of traditionally hard-to-reach communities.
These resources provide information and tools to be used by Community Health Workers to address mental health in their own communities. All resources are available for free and licensed to be distributed for educational use.

The Impact of CHW-Led Programming in Older Adults
Older adults who engage in CHW-led programming experience significant benefits, including improved physical, mental, social and financial well-being. And while there are unique challenges in reaching this population, there are also proven solutions - MHP Salud shares some of the most effective outreach and engagement techniques, and outlines some of the most popular benefits program participants experience.

A Guide to Mental Wellness for Older Hispanic Adults
For older adults, improving mental well-being means engaging in meaningful activities, maintaining a sense of personal identity, accessing healthcare, and getting the necessary assistance to address health conditions and sensory impairments. Our Guide to Mental Wellness for Older Hispanic/Latino Adults provides information and activities they can implement to improve their mental health wellness.

Mental Health and Underserved Latino Populations
Improving access to mental health services is a complex and multifaceted endeavor. The below recommendations are offered to overcome barriers expressed by the Hispanic/Latino and MSAW population as highlighted above.

Self-Care for Farmworkers-Advice from your CHW
Self-care is simply caring for oneself. It is a process where individuals and their families maintain health through promoting behaviors and managing illness. As a farmworker, you may be facing certain barriers to self-care due to unique challenges related to your living and working conditions.

Guide to Migratory and Seasonal Agricultural Worker Mental Health Equity
This Guide provides health center staff with important resources, information, and tools to address the unique mental health needs of their Migratory and Seasonal Agricultural Worker (MSAW) patients.

Salud Para Todos Facilitator’s Guide
The Salud Para Todos Implementation Guide is a comprehensive tool for Promotores de Salud (Community Health Workers), or other peer educators, to prepare and implement community education sessions on mental health topics. The Implementation Guide provides the information, session plans, and other materials needed to facilitate educational sessions the topics of mental health, stress, domestic violence, substance abuse, and the relationship between chronic disease & mental health.

Salud Para Todos Program Manual (English)
This 71-page English-language Program Manual is designed to walk Community Health Workers or Promotores(as) de Salud through strengthening knowledge about mental health issues and coping mechanisms and utilizing resources to help those suffering from mental health issues access the services available to them in their community.
Training for your organization, made simple.
In addition to publishing resources and conducting our own CHW programs, MHP Salud offers a variety of training and consulting services to help organizations create and optimize their own CHW programs. When we provide these services, we put over four decades of experience to work to enhance your organization’s services and improve your overall reach.