Identifying CHWs in Your Health Center
Reporting of Community Health Workers in Uniform Data Systems has been inconsistent with the anecdotal evidence of the widespread utilization of CHWs in health settings. This infographic created by MHP Salud offers guidance on how to accurately identify and report the work of CHWs. Organizations can use this tool to explore common CHW titles, identify CHW roles and as a reminder of the importance of accurately reporting CHWs in UDS.
Print out this free infographic to accurately measure health access as a result of CHW programs within a health center and to pinpoint appropriate training and technical assistance for your CHWs.

©️ MHP Salud 2020
MHP Salud has been implementing CHW programs and training organizations looking to start and strengthen their own CHW programs since 1983! Visit our CHW Training & Consulting Services page to learn more about how we can help.