Recommendations for Promotores(as) de Salud and Language Access Services at your Health Center
As both skilled professionals and members of the community, Promotores(as) are in a unique position to address health issues in any community. One role that Promotores(as) often fill is as an interpreter between patients and clinical staff. Promotores(as) are well-positioned to act as the liaison, both linguistically and culturally. By helping patients better understand their clinical provider’s care instructions, Promotores(as) can build a stronger bond of trust between the patient and clinician and encourage better adherence to follow-up treatment.
This 4 page brief, developed jointly with Farmworker Justice, provides background information on and recommendations for utilizing Promotores(as) de Salud for language access services in health centers.
©️ MHP Salud 2020
MHP Salud has over 35 years of experience implementing CHW programs and training organizations looking to start and/or strengthen their own CHW programs. Visit our CHW Training & Consulting Services page to learn more about how we can help.