Community Health Worker Clinical Integration Toolkit
With a long history of successfully and effectively addressing health disparities, Community Health Workers (CHWs) can fill the gaps in services that many health care organizations experience in reaching undeserved populations. For instance, six published studies on CHW interventions on the prevention and management of diabetes have shown significant positive outcomes, including changes in HbA1c levels and improved self-reports of dietary changes.
In addition, six studies of CHW interventions focused on cervical cancer prevention reported positive outcomes, including a significant increase in the number of patients receiving a Pap smear and a larger change in the number of patients ever having a Pap smear. These outcomes support the effectiveness of the CHW model in prevention and disease management within Care Teams.
This free toolkit illustrates the different strategies for incorporating CHWs within Care Teams. Additionally, it will provide real-life case studies from various health entities throughout the nation to support the success of the implementation of these strategies.
©️ MHP Salud 2020
MHP Salud has been implementing CHW programs and training organizations looking to start and strengthen their own CHW programs since 1983! Visit our CHW Training & Consulting Services page to learn more about how we can help.