MHP Salud Resource Portfolio:
Group Activities

Building Trust and Engaging Participants: Dinámicas
Dinámicas are a great way to build trust, “break the ice,” and engage and get know participants. They help participants get moving and provide opportunities to connect and reflect on personal experiences. Plus, they’re fun! All MHP Salud Dinámica resources are free.
Whether you’re looking for one-to-one or group activities, in-person or virtual dinámicas, we’ve got you covered! From opportunities to find connections to thought-provoking questions, mindfulness activities and even some dancing, there’s a dinámica to meet any need. Plus, you’ll also find easy step-by-step instructions to create your own dinámica!
Training for your organization, made simple.
In addition to creating and sharing resources and implementing our own Community Health Worker community programs, MHP Salud offers a variety of training and consulting services to help you create and optimize your own CHW program. When we provide these services, we put our 40+ years of experience to work to enhance your organization’s services and improve your overall reach. Are you ready to make an even bigger difference in your community? We can help.