Language Accessibility

Resources and Reference Materials on Language Acessibility
Language accessibility plays a crucial role in ensuring everyone has the opportunity to receive adequate and affordable health services. As members of the communities they serve, CHWs often speak the predominant language which allows them to fill the role of interpreter between patients and clients. This allows patients to have a better understanding their clinical provider’s care instructions. Over time, CHWs can help build a stronger bond of trust between the patient and clinician and encourage better adherence to follow-up treatment. These resources provide insight and information on utilizing language access services in your communities. All resources are available for free and licensed to be distributed for educational use.

Recommendations for Promotores(as) de Salud and Language Access Services at your Health Center
This 4-page brief, developed jointly with Farmworker Justice, provides background information on and recommendations for utilizing Promotores(as) de Salud for language access services in health centers.

A Guide to Developing Easy to Understand Materials for Any Audience
This guide provides organizations with an overview of practical tools used to create and/or improve written materials. It includes information, tips, and resources on readability, writing style, layout and design, and how to adapt writing documents to different audiences.
Training for your organization, made simple.
In addition to publishing resources and conducting our own CHW programs, MHP Salud offers a variety of training and consulting services to help organizations create and optimize their own CHW programs. When we provide these services, we put over four decades of experience to work to enhance your organization’s services and improve your overall reach.