Chronic Disease Resources for Community Health Workers

Resources and Reference Materials for Community Health Workers and Chronic Disease
CHW-led interventions that focus on chronic disease management are known to have positive health outcomes for individuals and communities. In particular, research has shown that CHWs can positively influence hypertension, heart disease, diabetes, cancer, and asthma. Individuals who participate in CHW-led programs have demonstrated improvements in A1C levels, increased their physical activity, improved their mental health, and have a better understanding of their conditions. CHWs are particularly effective at addressing chronic disease because they come from the communities they serve. This quality puts CHWs in the best position to provide health education that is culturally aligned and in the language of the people being served.
These resources go in-depth about the positive impacts that CHW-led interventions can have on individual patients, organizations, and communities. They draw from MHP Salud’s own experience implementing and improving CHW-led programs that address chronic disease and include information on other useful resources.

Peers and Community Health Workers (CHWs): The Key Ingredient for Diabetes Prevention and Control Programs
More than 37 million people in the United States, or 11.3% of the population, have diabetes, and 96 million adults, or 38% of the population, have prediabetes. Certain races/ethnicity, age, and income groups show a higher prevalence of diabetes which may be related to social risk factors and other health conditions. As peers to their communities, CHWs bring a unique skill set that allows them to educate patients and adapt strategies to address patients' diabetes challenges. MHP Salud and the Corporation for Supportive Housing collaborated on this resource that explores the roles of Community Health Workers (CHWs)/Peer Specialists in diabetes prevention and control programs.

Preventive Care Checklist for Older Hispanic Adults
An essential part of Healthy Aging for adults 65 and older is being up to date with the recommended checkups and preventive care services. A good start is asking your doctor if you have completed all your yearly health screenings. Remember to include good nutrition, exercise, and self-care as part of your preventive care. Your doctor can help you determine what steps to take.

Providing Diabetes Control Education and Management
This resource provides educational prevention tools that Community Health Workers (CHWs) can use and share with Migrant Seasonal Agricultural Workers and other vulnerable populations to reduce diabetic health complications.
Chronic Disease Management Tool
This tool is meant to assist individuals and/or their caregivers in keeping track of the management of their chronic condition(s). It is meant to provide a weekly snapshot or overview of their health and any concerns they may have. It is NOT meant to be a complete tool for tracking chronic disease management, nor should it replace any record-keeping a doctor or healthcare provider has given.

Chronic Disease Management Tool en Español
Esta herramienta tiene la intención de asistir individuos y/o sus cuidadores con dar seguimiento a sus enfermeda descrónicas. Intenta dar una imagen semanal o un resumen de su salud o cualquier preocupación que puedan tener.

Community Health Workers and Peer Specialists: Key Roles in Addressing Diabetes Control Before and During COVID-19 Health Pandemic
According to a 2020 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) report, diabetes cases are increasing rapidly in the United States, with 34.2 million adults, or 10.5% of the adult U.S. population, having diabetes and 88 million Americans having prediabetes.

The Role of Community Health Workers Addressing Diabetes
Community Health Workers (CHWs) interventions have demonstrated success in improving health outcomes among individuals diagnosed with diabetes. Additionally, CHWs support at-risk individuals to prevent the development of the condition. The purpose of this guide is to assist health centers and partners in identifying the roles of CHWs in addressing diabetes. This guide will provide access to information that will facilitate the identification of CHWs in their Health Centers and their roles in addressing diabetes self-management and prevention in their communities.

Su Corazon, Su Vida, Your Heart, Your Life Guided Implementation
Su Corazón, Su Vida/Your Heart, Your Life (SCSV/YHYL) Guided Implementation Project is designed to help Health Centers through the process of implementing a CHW program addressing hypertension among their patients. This bilingual heart health manual was designed especially for Latino communities by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ (HHS) National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI) at the National Institutes of Health (NIH). Inside are 11-lessons on heart health education that address topics around skill building, self-assessment, and goal setting for healthy lifestyle changes.

Understanding and Addressing Hypertension and Heart Health in Your Community: A Quick Guide For Community Health Workers
Understanding and Addressing Hypertension and Heart Health in Your Community: A Quick Guide For Community Health Workers provides information surrounding hypertension and heart health. Inside you will find tools for Community Health Workers to use to guide patients with hypertension towards a healthier future. The guide also comes with a blood pressure tracker, which can be shared with patients as they track their progress towards their blood pressure goals.

Understanding and Addressing Diabetes in your Community: A Quick Guide for CHWs
Understanding and Addressing Diabetes in your Community: A Quick Guide for CHWs is a resource for Community Health Workers that provides information about diabetes, and provides tools that Community Health Workers can use to guide patients with diabetes towards a healthier future. Included with the guide are guidelines on how to manage diabetes, as well as an A1c tracker so patients can track their progress towards their A1c goals.
Training for your organization, made simple.
In addition to publishing resources and conducting our own CHW programs, MHP Salud offers a variety of training and consulting services to help organizations create and optimize their own CHW programs. When we provide these services, we put over four decades of experience to work to enhance your organization’s services and improve your overall reach.