Resources for Older Adults

Serving Older Adults
Addressing issues that arise with aging is a challenge regardless of background or circumstance, but it’s particularly challenging for low-income and underserved communities. CHWs help bridge this gap, building trust with older adults and connecting them with services and support that empower them to live independently and to continue their journeys of health and well-being. Tapping into our decades of experience and evaluation, we’ve developed a wealth of resources to support you in serving this population, too.

The Impact of CHW-Led Programming in Older Adults
Older adults who engage in CHW-led programming experience significant benefits, including improved physical, mental, social and financial well-being. And while there are unique challenges in reaching this population, there are also proven solutions - MHP Salud shares some of the most effective outreach and engagement techniques, and outlines some of the most popular benefits program participants experience.

A Guide to Mental Wellness for Older Hispanic Adults
For older adults, improving mental well-being means engaging in meaningful activities, maintaining a sense of personal identity, accessing healthcare, and getting the necessary assistance to address health conditions and sensory impairments. Our Guide to Mental Wellness for Older Hispanic/Latino Adults provides information and activities they can implement to improve their mental health wellness.

Preventive Care Checklist for Older Hispanic Adults
An essential part of Healthy Aging for adults 65 and older is being up to date with the recommended checkups and preventive care services. A good start is asking your doctor if you have completed all your yearly health screenings. Remember to include good nutrition, exercise, and self-care as part of your preventive care. Your doctor can help you determine what steps to take.
Cultural Norms and Caregiving
Cultural norms can impact caregiving. This resource contains videos that feature interviews with actual caregivers sharing their experiences.

Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Dementia in the Hispanic & Latino Community
The older adult population is growing in the United States. In 2017, there were an estimated 80.9 million adults aged 65 and older, and that number is projected to increase to 94.7 million by the year 2060. According to US Census Bureau, population projections, Hispanic older adults are expected to increase from approximately 4.2 million in 2017 to 19.9 million in 2060.
La Salud: Newsletter for Older Adults
La Salud is a bi-annual newsletter created by MHP Salud that provides tips, and other resources to keep older adults healthy.

How to Start the Conversation about Advanced Care Planning with Older Hispanic Adults: A Guide for Healthcare Professionals
70% of Americans do not have Advanced Care Planning (ACP) measures in place and Hispanics are less likely to engage in ACP than other groups. As the number of Hispanic older adults aged 65 and older is expected to significantly grow within the next few decades, it is crucial that healthcare professionals better understand how to engage in conversations with older Hispanic adults about ACP. This guide will help healthcare professionals identify the different types of ACP documentation, who can start the conversation, cultural considerations with assisting Hispanic older adults with ACP, tips and strategies for starting the conversation, and other resources.

Aging in Place Resource for Health Centers
The proportion of the world’s population over 60 years of age is projected to increase nearly double from 12% to 22% between 2015 and 2050 according to the World Health Organization (WHO). With the dramatic increase of this population, the need for programs and initiatives that address their healthy aging also increases. Ensuring that older adults have access to health care and the ability to “age in place” is a national priority both from a quality of life perspective and a cost savings perspective. Addressing the complex array of issues that arise with aging is a challenge regardless of background or circumstance, but in low-income and underserved communities, the barriers are even greater.
Training for your organization, made simple.
In addition to publishing resources and conducting our own CHW programs, MHP Salud offers a variety of training and consulting services to help organizations create and optimize their own CHW programs. When we provide these services, we put over four decades of experience to work to enhance your organization’s services and improve your overall reach.